Olga Guyot, artiste peintre pointilliste

L’explication en image de ce qu’un point peut devenir dans l’infini, cette phrase m’a beaucoup plue …
D’une personne croisée, lors d’une exposition.

 Pour moi de la peinture ne peut être que le reflet de l’âme.

Elle est comme une page blanche, oubliée, cette toile qui me regarde.

Depuis plus vingt ans je me cherche et je cherche encore. J ‘ai su au fil du temps imposer un style qui   m’est propre, celui du  » pointillisme fauve « , riche de couleurs et de joie de vivre, ces toiles, je pense, ne laissent pas indifférents : on aime ou pas. D’année en année j’ai réussi à trouver ma voie, marquant chaque toile de mon empreinte chaleureuse et gaie. Mon univers de peintre recompose à travers la peinture toute une poésie et le bonheur du regard.

The paint is only the reflection of the soul
My universe: My painting,which protects me from this world where it is increasingly difficult for me to enter.
I am there well, in my world. It is there that, surrounded by those which are expensive to me, I paint.
But I need also the smile of my husband. I need to fell the cocoon of my family In this workshop, where are born
so much paintings, so much research.Books posed that and there, my children’s photographs.It’s only there, than I feel myself at ease, in the odour of the terebenthine and of my paintings. I will have liked to travel, to leave at the end of the world, but finally, I travel through them. They become my world, which I build day after day.
In front of my canvas, I flee the fear, the anguish, very is erased. I invite you to enter there, just to see.
Like one says, one likes or one don’t like, but here, it is my passion and I hold with you to make it divide.
And in any case, I also make a point of thanking, my husband who accepts that the house is not always well arranged,my children which take to me as I am, a little in the clouds,some will say much, and it is perhaps true.
Drawing since his more young age, Olga Guyot was finally brave enough to try the adventure of painting.
She began her first steps of self-educated painter in 1992.
She tests the various mediums which are: the pastel, watercolor and oil.
It’s with this latter, the oil, than her sensitivity reacts and she launches into, with all the ardor of her Slavic origin in impassioned research. She began to tame this technique. For her, it’s really a discovery.
In this latter medium, oil, she fined all she wanted: odors, textures.
She is working in this direction by the veloute of the depiction. For a while, she is copying English and French painters.
Being never satisfied, she seeks, she gropes.
It’s improving one’s knowledge, when she discovers the technique of the impressionists, the “fauves” and the “pointillist” ones.
In these three movements, she will find this inspiration which will be for her essential.
She will make of a style which will be particular. Nature in her eyes, is the most beautiful of the presents, she offers to her a splendid palette.
She will thus amplify them through her tawnies and pointillist style.
Her subjects are varied. Impassioned by nature, she also improves in the art of the portrait and Art still life. The beauty is everywhere, for one who can seek it. But it’s holding one few things: an expression, a gesture, a reflection or a shade. The attention to detail, the transparency and the light make her entering new subjects. She should constantly sublimate her work.
Since several years she manages within the framework of rural foyer a painting workshop.
In this village, Soirans where she live.